2024年马来西亚报税季:把握最新财税优惠Tax Relief,让您的钱包更丰盈!!

大家好!在马来西亚的朋友们,你们已经开始报税了吗?三月开始,你就可以进入LHDN网站(BE表格),填写你2023年的所有Tax Relief啦!希望去年两次的税务减免提醒对你们有所帮助,让你们获得更多的税务回扣。

如果你去年有存入 PRS 私人退休计划,你也可以登录 https://www.publicmutualonline.com.my 下载/打印你的 对账单 哦!

我也花了半天的时间为您整理了2022年、2023年和2024年在税务减免上的差别。请好好收藏起来!你也可以转发给你的朋友,或转介绍客户给我。现在公司有Customer Referral Program,我想下一个幸运抽奖的幸运者就是你啦!


1. 父母健康检查:孝行减税



2. 牙科治疗福利:健康牙齿减税


3. 身体检查和接种疫苗: 为全家健康保驾护航


4. 自我提升课程:职场成长加码


5. 购买体育器材:健康生活减税


6. 硕士或博士研究生:提升自己升职加薪

政府为提高人才水平提供税务减免,持续至2027年。通过考取专科文凭或高级文凭、学士如,MBA学位等,您不仅提高了自身技能,还能享受税务优惠。课程必须得到教育局认证 www.mohe.gov.my。

7. 合理规划资金:理财省税利器








2024 Tax Season: A Comprehensive Guide to Financial Benefits!

Hello everyone! Have you started filing your taxes in Malaysia? Starting from March, you can access the LHDN website (BE form) to fill in all your tax reliefs for the year 2023! We hope the reminders about tax exemptions from last year have been helpful in getting you more tax refunds.

If you contributed to the PRS (Private Retirement Scheme) last year, you can log in to https://www.publicmutualonline.com.my to download/print your statement!

I’ve spent half a day compiling the differences in tax exemptions between 2022, 2023, and 2024 for you. Please keep it safe! You can also forward it to your friends or refer clients to me. Our company now has a Customer Referral Program, and you could be the lucky winner of the next draw!

This year, the government aims to encourage better management of personal finances by offering more flexible tax benefits and refund opportunities. Here are some deductions you shouldn’t miss:

1. Parental Health Check-ups: Tax Relief for Filial Piety

The government encourages filial piety by offering tax allowances for parents’ annual health check-ups. As long as you accompany your parents for their check-ups, the related expenses become tax-deductible, reducing your tax burden. Dental repairs and check-ups are also included.

More details can be found in this chart.

2. Dental Treatment Benefits: Tax Relief for Healthy Teeth

In addition to corporate benefits, the government provides tax rebates for dental treatments and check-ups. As long as you receive treatment at a registered dental clinic, the related expenses can be claimed as personal income tax deductions.

3. Medical Check-ups and Vaccinations: Safeguarding Family Health

The amounts for annual vaccinations and complete physical check-ups for individuals, spouses, and children have also increased.

4. Self-Improvement Courses: Enhancing Career Growth

Starting in 2024, the government supports individuals attending self-improvement courses such as language classes, photography, and sewing, offering additional tax rebates. This provides more opportunities for career professionals to enhance their skills and enjoy more tax benefits.

5. Purchase of Sports Equipment: Tax Relief for Healthy Living

Expenses for buying sports equipment, using sports facilities, and participating in sports competitions are considered tax-deductible items. The government encourages active participation in sports, making such expenses eligible for tax deductions. The amount of relief has also increased.

6. Master’s or Doctorate Students: Investing in Career Advancement

The government offers tax exemptions to enhance talent levels, continuing until 2027. By obtaining diplomas or degrees such as MBA, individuals not only enhance their skills but also enjoy tax benefits. The courses must be accredited by the Ministry of Education www.mohe.gov.my.

7. Financial Planning: Tax-saving Strategies

Financial planning, including life insurance, medical and education insurance, EPF, SSPN education fund for children, and private retirement PRS, are effective tax-saving methods. By investing in government-approved savings options, you can minimize your tax burden.

Additionally, it’s essential to note that several tax exemptions have been canceled or terminated, such as local travel expenses.

For a more detailed list of tax exemptions from 2022 to 2024, click here to download the infographic.

In the midst of our busy lives, tax planning may seem complicated. However, you can seek assistance from a private retirement plan advisor to provide you with more detailed information and assistance.

The 2024 tax season offers abundant opportunities for tax savings and financial benefits. By properly utilizing these deduction items, you can minimize your tax burden and keep more money in your pocket.

If you have any questions or need further information, please feel free to contact us. Let’s explore more financial and tax benefits together, making your finances more robust!

Wishing you a fruitful tax season in 2024!

(Disclaimer: The above content is for reference only, and specific terms and policies are subject to official government announcements.)

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