Fee & Charges

Fee & Charges

Annual management expenses included expenses for portfolio management, trustee and custody fees, audit fees, administrative costs, and other services properly incurred in the administration of the fund. These costs are paid out of the fund's assets.

Calculate the management fee by multiplying the percent with total assets.

The standard percentage management fee charged ranges from 0.5%t to 1.9% per annum. For example, if the fund has RM1million in assets and fee charged is 1.8%, RM18,000 goes toward your fund management.
The initial cost that an investor may incur in relation to investing in unit trusts is the initial services charge. This fee is levied primarily to cover the marketing and distributing of units as well as monitoring of investments by the unit trust consultants for the duration the unit trusts is held.

Example: Initial investment RM1,000.
S/Charges : 3.75% = RM36.15

The nett investment after deduction s/charges is RM963.85
The annual trustee fee is a fee paid to the Trustee for the custodial management and administration of a Fund's assets. Fund's assets are such as transaction settlement, custody, and administration costs amongst others.

Example 0.06% per annum of the NAV, subject to minimum fee of RM18,000 and a maximum fee of RM600,000 per annum.
Switch Order is essentially a Sell and a Buy order. In some cases, investors may like to use the proceeds of one fund to purchase another fund. By doing a switch, you do not need to wait till you receive your proceeds to make a purchase.

18 times free for Mutual Gold members or RM10.00 per transaction through the Online Platform.
Sometimes referred to as the repurchase charge or redemption charge. This fee represents a deduction by the fund house from the proceeds of disposal of an investor.

Special Note & Disclaimer

Investors are advised to read and understand the contents of the latest Prospectus of the Funds and the fund’s Product Highlights Sheet (PHS) before investing. Investors should understand the risks of the fund and compare and consider the fees, charges, and costs involved in investing in the fund.
You can search the copy of the Prospectus and PHS can be viewed at the fund house’s website. Investors should make their own assessment of the merits and risks of the investment.
If in doubt, investors should seek consultant or professional advice.

Simulator of your Service Charges

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