New Born Baby Fund

Can you afford to have a baby?

This is a google search result about

“How much cost do we need to have a baby in Malaysia?”

Keep in mind that the rough costs in the results below are only estimates, and the price that you might end up paying will differ greatly depending on your hospital, doctor and a ton of other factors. 

Somemore, these are only the cost for delivery costs in hospitals but insurance premium, medical costs, living costs, schooling costs, and University fees not included yet.

Top Google search result for How much we need to have a baby. But this is not all!

A Detailed Guide To The Costs Of Having A Baby In Malaysia

Cost of having a baby in Malaysia (First-year cost)

Money though important is not the sole consideration when it comes to starting a family. However, welcoming your newborn will be less stressful once you have the finances worked out.

This post covers the cost of having a baby, from pregnancy to your baby’s first birthday.

Plan early for changes in your household finances before you decide to have a baby. If the pregnancy is unplanned, start planning the moment it is confirmed.

The Cost of Having a Baby in Malaysia

A period of regular checkups – monthly in the earlier stages and bi-weekly as delivery nears.
This includes screening tests such as ultrasound scans, bloodwork, and screening for genetic abnormalities. Every trimester requires different tests.
Government check-up is Free.
Private Hospital around RM100-RM200 per visit, Ultrasound, 3D photo and DNA check from RM450-RM2500

The supplement is free provided by government hospitals. The additional requirement might cost you RM200 per month.
Delivery is either normal or by Caesarean Section (c-section). Major costs include specialists fees (obstetrician/gynaecologist, paediatrician, anaesthesiologist), anaesthesia and epidural (if used), hospital room charges, surgical fees, nursery fees, laboratory fees, or any medications or supplies required.
Normal delivery in governemt is Free and c-section cost around RM100-RM800.
Private hospital cost from RM4500 to RM20,000 for emergency
Confinement care for the new mother and baby is common in Malaysia for a period of one to three months.
Live-in confinement care services: RM5,000 and above monthly and typically requires early booking.
Mother at confinement center: RM6,500 to RM15,000 depending on the package and center standard.
Mother cared for at home by mother/in-law/family: free
This is not included the traditional herbs and supplements probably cost RM3,000.
After the maternity leave is over, someone needs to care for your baby if both you and your spouse are working.
Your options include:-
Baby Sister; RM500 - RM1.500 per month
Day care center Up to RM1,300
Maid: Upfront fee of RM14,000 to the agency and RM700-RM1,000 per month

Last, Grandparents/Family
Again nothing compares to your own flesh and blood helping to care for your baby.
Cost : It is best to give a reasonable monthly stipend that more than covers food and other costs.
With the bulk of the bigger costs covered, it’s time we take a look at the itty-bitty purchases. But don't underestimate the costs.
However, you will need to prepare at least RM400 a month (depending on your budget and preference) to prepare the necessities for your baby in the first few years including diapers, baby food, and milk powder.
Your baby must be taken almost every month to the hospital for regular checkups and various immunization jabs.
Some jabs are compulsory and some are optional but do be surveyed and educated (and avoid falling for the fallacies of internet quacks).
Each visit to a private pediatrician will cost you between RM70 – RM150.
Majority baby vaccination you can get from the government with Free
Free Vaccination
You might insure your baby before delivery to get benefits such as “Born Into the Plan” Coverage – as the name indicates, this type of cover guarantees access to and financial assistance for your baby from the day it is born, even in the case of complications during delivery or if a health issue arises.
All that is required of the parent, is to inform the insurer that there has been a birth and the infant will be added as a member of the family with the same rights of coverage as the parents and its siblings. Usually, the only thing that will change is the premium fee to include the new family member.
Breastfeeding doesn’t come without cost.
Consider the cost of bottles, electric breastfeeding pump, storage bag, mini-fridge, cooler bag, ice pack, nipple creams, lactation supplements, lactation consultants, and other necessary supplies.
Though this list may seem endless, these miscellaneous baby necessities are precisely where you’ll find opportunities aplenty for you to get creative and find ways to save.
Pacifier, Baby bottles, Baby hygiene items (towels, shampoo, powder, wipes), High chair, Baby clothes, Baby shoes, Baby bottle sterilizer, Diaper bag. Baby food Tupperware and cutlery, Baby food processor, Baby crib & more and more.
Car seat carrier is compulsory if you want to bring them out by car.
Baby stroller is a cost from RM80 to RM300.

Money-Saving Incentives And Initiatives For New Parents

This is the table of the tax incentives available for parents in Malaysia for the exemption year 2021, but you’ll no doubt be able to find even more with a little sleuthing.


The total cost of having a newborn baby in Malaysia lies between RM 8,500 – RM45,000. Depending mainly upon how and where you spend your money on your child.

In the end, being well-prepared will pay off when you welcome your baby into the world. Being able to worry less about your finances will mean you can channel more energy into raising your child to the very best of your abilities!

So, let to plan how much you should save for your loved one right now.


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